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Because the information on this blog are based on my personal opinion and gosh I am so fucking opinionated, it should NOT be considered professional financial investment advice. The ideas and strategies should never be used without first assessing your own personal and financial situation, or without consulting a financial professional, preferably both and in that order. My thoughts and opinions will also change from time to time as I learn and accumulate more knowledge,or my meds wear out, or my post coital euphoria passes.

Feel free to comment on my ideas or ask questions in the comments section for the blog entries. Please remember that this is a blog, and you do not need to agree with everything or anything I write (except I am very needy when it comes to my looks...so you have to say nice things). I reserve the right to delete any comment for any reason (abusive, profane, rude, etc.) so please keep the comments polite, unless you are criticising Gold Bugs...in which case go wild....doggie style.

This site is also dedicated to preventing small traders from having their accounts go supernova by listening to Gary Savage. To read more about him, please browse through the posts and also see http://smartmoneytrackerpremium-exposed.com/

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Gary You Delusional Fuck.

After calling for $10,000 Gold, $1,000 JNUG and $500 Silver, Gary decided that the best way to leverage his returns in the bull market was to go….

Wait for it……


Yep he has gone short the Precious Metal sector.

While, I personally think he has a fair chance of making money on this ( I am currently short NUGT), the splendid irony of this Dickwad’s constant contradictions is permeating through his subscriber base.

Yeah Ralph but what you are saying only makes sense if you have at least a high double digit IQ. But don't worry. Gary is right behind the banksters bottoms.

And in the rare chance you blame Gary for this short trade gone bad....Please view the other side of the mouth talking.

So remember, Gary is always right. He always makes money. Why else would he begging for $500 annual subscription fees? True sign of a millionaire.

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