Parts 1-5 can be read through the archives.
ERX edition:
Gary’s love affair with 3X
has extended pretty much across the entire genre. Like an aging porn princess
that tries more and more creative stunts to stay in business, Gary pulled out
all the stops (pun intended) to make money in the “Energy Portfolio”.
I mean where else can you get
a service that helps you lose money in every fucking asset class?
So after a few trades, that ended in a net loss (Gary alludes to this himself in the first line), Gary tried his luck again in ERX the 3X leveraged energy fund in 2015.
Adding that he was going to be pissed....
Fuck even before he could complete that thought....
Less than 1 hour later!
Those damn bankers!!!!!!!!!!!!
Working overtime to cause Gary to lose money. I mean seriously, if all these multimillionaires who run the world, don't spend every waking minute spoiling Gary's trades, how will they ever get satisfaction?
But Gary was going to be back. He got back in a slightly higher price ($35.22 after being stopped at $32.85)
He was not going to be stopped out now.
Sidebar: "Nothing's gonna stop us out now." A lesser known Starship Song.
Just in time for a nice smooth 60% decline.
But on Jan 6th with ERX around $20, down about 40% from Gary;s buy point....
Gary Majestically added
"It's too early to buy ERX". The irony was not lost on one subscriber.
But Gary was strong. Gary took the opportunity of a 50% drawdown to reiterate that he only sells at intermediate tops.
Gary hung around on this till a whole 9 months later when..he finally took a loss.
To his credit it was a smaller loss than we would have expected. But still his "Energy portfolio was down 30% assuming Gary knew any math.
But a lot can change in 30 days as 30 days is a long time in Garyland....
In the next 30 days,
Gary Debated.
Gary Bought.
Gary Sold.
Gary promised to never trade it again.
Which brings us full circle to his current trade, where Gary took the opportunity to remind us common folks, what we were missing out by NOT having a subscription.
Yep real time trades....Worth every penny Gary.