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Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Fed Meeting

I do not share my charts in general as that reveals a bit too much of my trading method.
However, I will share that I see the 116 area on the USD/YEN as an area of substantial resistance and if we get a spike into that post Fed, I will be shorting USD/YEN.

What I expect from the meeting.

A hike like everyone else. The Fed will have to walk a fine line between preparing the markets for future hikes and not spooking the markets. No, not the stock market, the bond market. They will have cascading margin calls if bonds have another 30 day drop like the one they just experienced. Over time it is a different story. 

I will be adding to TLT calls tomorrow, likely Feb expiration. My current TLT 122's are 50% underwater. I expect the bond market to be the major beneficiary of the Fed meeting. Good Luck, Godspeed and Good Trading. 

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