
I will not be responsible for any material that is found on this site or at the end of links that I may post on this blog site. Mistakes may happen from time to time. URLS and domains may change hands. If you need financial advice or someone to hold your hand while you make the trade, please find another site.

Because the information on this blog are based on my personal opinion and gosh I am so fucking opinionated, it should NOT be considered professional financial investment advice. The ideas and strategies should never be used without first assessing your own personal and financial situation, or without consulting a financial professional, preferably both and in that order. My thoughts and opinions will also change from time to time as I learn and accumulate more knowledge,or my meds wear out, or my post coital euphoria passes.

Feel free to comment on my ideas or ask questions in the comments section for the blog entries. Please remember that this is a blog, and you do not need to agree with everything or anything I write (except I am very needy when it comes to my looks...so you have to say nice things). I reserve the right to delete any comment for any reason (abusive, profane, rude, etc.) so please keep the comments polite, unless you are criticising Gold Bugs...in which case go wild....doggie style.

This site is also dedicated to preventing small traders from having their accounts go supernova by listening to Gary Savage. To read more about him, please browse through the posts and also see http://smartmoneytrackerpremium-exposed.com/

Monday, December 12, 2016

Testing Disqus

Disqus seems to be a good solution to get newer comments on top, and for moderation.
But I have never used it......so it will, like blogging, be a learning curve.

Clearly my comments about Avi did not go down well with market watcher.....but in my defense....I am highly opinionated as I have disclosed.

In an unusual twist....I saw the email below in the morning. Considering it was sent 6 hours ago, about an hour after my spate with market watcher make me wonder what actually happened. Did Market watcher contact Avi? Is Avi....Market Watcher? Are they lovers who were snuggling at that exact moment the argument started? No clue....but anyone calling out Gary on his bullshit publicly, and Avi actually used Gary's charts, gets tons of brownie points. "Btw – this is my latest example of calling out Gary’s bullish with facts and logic. http://news.goldseek.com/GoldSeek/1481296080.php Avi Gilburt, Esq. www.elliottwavetrader.net"


  1. Again sorry for inconveniencing anyone.
    Most of you seem way ahead on blog related knowledge than I, so I am sure you have disqus profiles or can create them shortly.

    Should you have any issues email me theduckwhorocks@gmail.com

  2. https://disqus.com/profile/login/?next=https%3A%2F%2Fdisqus.com%2Fhome%2Fsettings%2Fprofile%2F

  3. Are you west coast? I'm not, so catch you tomorrow.
